Dance studio software with exclusive scheduling system

Maximize your studio's potential and streamline your scheduling process with dance studio software

Dance studio software with scheduling system built Exclusively for Dance Studios

No more complex processes of scheduling

Simplify your dance studio’s scheduling process and eliminate the headache of manual coordination with the help of our dance studio software, providing a user-friendly interface that allows you to create and manage class schedules effortlessly. With a few clicks, you can assign staff, allocate rooms, and ensure optimal class capacity for enhanced efficiency.

Dance studio software with easy and dynamic scheduler for Dance studio business
Effortlessly schedule, collaborate, and excel
Dance studio software for manage all task with in a single screen
From mats to mindfulness

Everything is going to be on a single screen

Maintaining an organized and synchronized team is crucial for a thriving dance studio. Our dance studio software lets you create, update, or schedule classes, appointments, and events conveniently. Streamline communication and ensure your team has the necessary information to deliver exceptional dance sessions.

Wellyx Dance studio software with scheduling for staff management

Unleash the full potential of your dance studio with our powerful dance studio software. Experience efficient class management, streamlined instructor coordination, and enhanced communication. Elevate your studio's operations and focus on delivering unforgettable dance experiences to your members with our dance studio software.

Easy member registrations and enrollments

Simplify the member enrollment process with dance studio software. Allow members to easily browse and select classes, view availability, and complete registrations online. Reduce paperwork, streamline administrative tasks, and provide your dance studio’s members with a convenient and seamless experience.

Dance studio software with effective team management
Resource reservation made simple
Dance studio software with scheduling app
Take control with a flick of the wrist

Make things easier for your staff members

Using our dance studio software app, your team can view and update their schedules themselves, reducing your coordination time.

Dance studio software feedback Dance vision

Wellyx has transformed how we handle payments. The software’s payment processing system is secure and reliable, and it has made collecting fees from our students a breeze. It has simplified our financial management and saved us so much time. It’s an excellent solution for dance studio owners!

Sophia Roberts


Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, the dance studio software allows you to easily book group classes and one-on-one training sessions.

Absolutely! Wellyx Dance understands that plans can change, so the scheduler feature allows you to reschedule or cancel bookings conveniently.

If you have specific time slots that need to be blocked off, such as personal breaks or staff meetings, you can easily mark those periods as unavailable in the scheduler.

Yes, the dance studio software seamlessly integrates with Google Calendar. You can manage all your appointments in one place by syncing your scheduler with Google Calendar.

Our software offers staff scheduling and management by creating schedules, assigning tasks, and tracking attendance & performance for efficient workforce management.

Here’s what you can expect in the demo:

Book your personalized dance studio software demo!

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